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Cancer: 50 Essential Things to Do

This book is good and bad.

It is good because it thoroughly covers the very basic psychological strategies you can use if you have been diagnosed with cancer.

It is bad because it is so basic. It gives a handful of nutrient recommendations and doses, and other natural medicines and therapies, but that part (what to actually do) was very brief and inadequate. People looking for details and references (like me) will not get much from this book.

This book is like kindergarten for people who have no experience with alternative medicine or dieting etc - this is pre-101. That makes the book very valuable for civilians with a cancer diagnosis but zero “training” in how to think healthy - which is the first step to actually acting healthy.

I would personally recommend this book to the bewildered people who are freaking out because of a cancer diagnosis and have no idea what to do. But this book is just a starting point, they will need a lot more detailed information to truly make informed decisions about treatment, diet, supplements, etc.