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Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia & Lyme Disease

This book was great!

I’ve read a few books from the Burton Goldberg group, and they’ve all been very detailed. Since several authors are involved, you get a good range of opinions and experience on these topics.

In this book there was great detail on several diagnostic tests that I didn’t know about. There was also great detail about many pernicious infections (candida, lyme, etc.). Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are not caused by one thing, so it was great that the book went through a lot of potential contributors, and what to do about them.

The only criticism I have of these books is that they are written more like a textbook, with disconnected paragraphs and side bars and lacking a central narrative structure. This makes it not a very fun read.

Though it was very informative, it was also too technical (I think) for the average person. This book is not for beginners. But, anyone in the health field should have Goldberg books in their library - I don’t know of any other series that gives such detail on practically all the diseases we see in practice.

Recommended for advanced study and practice.