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Healing Waters - Ben Johnson

This book was disappointing.

I have been “pitched” alkaline water since I first started in the health business 10 years ago. I have never been convinced about it, but I remain open to the idea.

This book did not change my opinion. Most of the book can be summarized as “hydration is good, and alkaline blood is good, therefore alkaline water is great.” This is somewhat logical, but absolutely does not prove that consuming alkaline water actually makes the blood alkaline. This is the heart of the issue for me - you can eat 100% alkaline food and still be acidic, which is easily measurable. Because there are other factors, especially adequate mineral intake, especially calcium, and whether those minerals are absorbed.

This discussion can get quite complicated, but that’s what books are for. This book did not make much effort to convince a skeptic like me, and brushed over many of the relevant details (such as alkaline water lowering stomach acid “don’t worry about it”).

There were only a few studies mentioned. I needed more details about these studies. Those details really matter here, because to me the purported benefits of alkaline water should be attributed to the small amount of hydrogen ions the machine generates, not the pH or ORP. This concept was not addressed at all.

The book also made some weird claims. It claimed hydroxyl (OH-) is GOOD, which is the opposite claim of every other publication I’ve ever read.

This was a relatively small book and I don’t see why so many details were skipped. I cannot recommend this.

PS I *am* fully sold on the benefits of hydrogen water. The amount and quality of research showing widespread benefit is far more impressive than that for alkaline water. I have used alkaline water myself and felt nothing, whereas I felt a tremendous difference with H water. I now sell an H water machine that I believe is (demonstrably) the best on the market. Links below.

Zontos Hydrogen Water
H Water Podcast
Testing H Water Machines