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The Calcium connection

This book was not good.

There is a lot to say about calcium, but this book stuck to the basics, with only a few interesting details..The book was just as much about vitamin D (required to absorb calcium) as it was about calcium itself. But again, details were minimal.

The book was ruined for me by roughly half of it being devoted to recipes and meal plans. Followers know that I hate recipes in health books - because it makes a small booklet LOOK like a real sized book. This book was particularly egregious, as there were THREE full month-long meal plans (male, female, and weight loss).

There is so much important stuff in the calcium literature that was not in this book and it was very disappointing. Calcium requirements and balance with other nutrients (ie phosphorus and magnesium) was already figured out for animal feeds long before this book came out (1988), so I see no excuse for leaving so much out.

Do not recommend.

A much better book is The Calcium Factor by Robert Barefoot