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The Longevity Diet - Valter Longo

This book was very interesting!

Many longevity books seem to be very confused about which factors are relevant. This book goes much deeper than most, using actual pan studies to determine what factors matter most for longevity.

While I think the author really missed the “micro”nutrient content of foods consumed by long-lived people, I think he did a great job of pinning down the proper macro ratios.

Macros are one of the biggest questions that I feel we in the supplement business have gotten really wrong. There is a lot of agreement about the micros, but wildly different opinions on the macros. This book, I think, relieves a lot of the confusion.

The book isn’t perfect but it makes a good case for a LOW protein diet. That sounds blasphemous to many people, but several authors have proposed low protein diets for many decades, and they have been mostly ignored (nearly all diets and doctor recommendations are high protein).

We only have a handful of “tough cases” at any given time, and I notice that most or all of them are on high protein diets. Some people do fine on high protein (seemingly), and many do terribly. I’m definitely willing to recommend lower protein to those who aren’t getting results otherwise.

I have been following much of the recommendations in this book, and I feel fantastic, though time will tell if it’s sustainable.

Protein is essential, but I definitely think it has been overrated. This book is about more than protein but it was the selling point for me and I recommend this book.