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The Magic of Melatonin

This book was pretty good!

Melatonin research has been increasing rapidly over the past few decades. This book is quite new (2017) so it has a lot of the new information in it.

Melatonin is obviously important for our sleep (we produce it in the body in the evening/night), but it is also a powerful antioxidant and has now been linked to numerous diseases, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and more. This research and the general link between healthy sleep and disease resistance is covered in detail.

I used to think that we didn’t need to take melatonin supplements. If we make it in the body then we shouldn’t need more. The problem is, basically all of us are disturbing our melatonin production every single day with the use of artificial lights and screens after sunset. Even if you can sleep, there is close to a 100% chance that your melatonin metabolism is disrupted. This will affect your hormones, mood, and likelihood of developing a chronic disease.

Even though I fixed my insomnia with nutrition, and years later hydrogen water finally allowed me to sleep in cities (EMF always disrupted my sleep), I still take melatonin today, because I really can’t avoid artificial light. It only takes a tiny bit of light to interfere, and melatonin is so cheap and easy that it just makes sense to take it. (And research shows no serious side effects from supplementing).

I recommend this book. Sleep and melatonin are very important, and unlike many things in the nutrition field, this one is quite easy to understand and do.

I did a "deep dive" podcast episode about this book, see below.

Podcast about this book
Video podcast about this book