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Under the Influence of Modern Medicine

This book was pretty good!

The book details many examples of mainstream medicine harming people: ineffective drugs; lying studies; corruption between government and industry (conspiracy); hospital malpractice, and more.

It wasn’t too long, which is the only reason I didn’t call it “very” good: there is a lot more to say. But the pages were used well - small font, and straight to the point with practically no filler.

Everything is referenced and I really appreciate that. You’d be surprised how many health books have terrible referencing.

The book is a bit old (1998), so I could imagine some skeptics saying “yes but how do we know this is still a problem”. I promise, everything in this book is either still true, or is now much worse. Though I can still understand why this book could be less scathing simply because of its age.

I recommend this book!